Your 1RM is detérmined by increasing Your Bench Press

Bench Your 1RM is detérmined by increasing Your Bench Press
There are several ways to increase that you raise in your bench press workout. To measure and monitor performance levels , a novice in the bench press should determine one repetition maximum (1RM ) .

Here is a situation that many of you are probably familiar. You have a conversation with a friend or co- gym and inevitably ask , how much bank? The bench press seems to be the year that people summarize and assess the strength and power in the gym of a person. Almost never heard someone say how much you squat or how many rows of weights that can be performed . This is because the bench press is one of the few exercises or where a person can do is show his true power lifting that can be transferred in many other gymnastic exercises and of course many other sports .

The first step for a beginner is to determine the amount of weight that can be used in the bench press . To do this , you must work your repetition maximum or 1RM. Your 1RM is the maximum amount of weight you can use for a full repetition and allows precision cards usually bench press to work the amount of weight you should use when you make a certain number of repetitions.

When it comes to actually perform the 1RM test to make sure your body is rested and fresh. No need to do this test after a workout or at the end of a gym session , as it has the highest energy and power necessary to accurately assess your 1RM .

You will need a helper. A friend or someone working with you in the gym will be perfect . An assistant will give you the confidence and security to go to their maximum lift without worrying that the bar fall on you when you're in the middle of your lift.

When ready to make your 1RM , you should make sure to warm first. A quick and easy to about 5 to 6 minutes of heating, sufficient . This can be on the treadmill, bike or cross trainer just to get the blood flowing around your body . Then you need to do some warm up sets with the bar to make sure you feel good and you're ready to transport heavy loads that are about to perform . At this point it is important to show to focus on the form. Slowly lower the bar to the chest in line with the nipples , gently touching , push up the repetition . Perform about 5-8 reps.

The second set is made should be 75 percent of what you consider to be your 1RM . Perform about 5-6 reps , then rest for three minutes. Then try the 85 percent of estimated 1RM you all three replicates. Rest for 3 minutes and you're ready to go to your 1RM .

Mentally, you must be prepared. You must have focus and determination to drive the pain and get your best repetition maximum . Make sure the observer is ready to go! If the weight is too heavy and not go halfway through the rep take some weight , rest for 2 minutes and try again . However, if you can complete the rep and still feel you still have a little more energy in the tank , and then try to add a few kilos over the bar, wait two minutes and try again .

Want your 1RM properly so you can accurately track your progress and improve training bench press . With concrete actions that can be found in which parts of your workout bench press you need to improve and focus . To overcome these problem areas , along with hard work in the gym will increase your weight lifting and increase your bank !

Jaime Klein is in sports and fitness, internet marketing and social networking. She enjoys going to the gym to get fit and healthy , and especially enjoys spending time with his bench press workout!

Conquer the bench press !

What is a bench press workout ?

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A Powerful Bench Press Routine For a Bigger Bench

Bench A Powerful Bench Press Routine For a Bigger Bench
Every guy who lifts is looking for a bench press routine that works.
Whenever people find out you workout the inevitable question is always, "how much can you bench?"
If you don't currently bench a lot you probably HATE that question. I don't blame you. So let's fix it.
A big problem of many bench press routines is that they cause over training.
And if you're over trained you're not going to be able to increase your bench press.
Another problem is that most guys aren't built to bench press well. If you're a typically built guy, you're probably not suited for the bench press.
Routine A Powerful Bench Press Routine For a Bigger Bench
Long arms and a shallow frame means the bench press is a very long rep and your arms do most of the work.
If that's you, I recommend you switch to the decline bench press which puts you in a much better position biomechanically.
You'll work your chest harder, helping you to build muscle, and you'll also be able to use more weight once you're used to the decline position.
Now, on to the bench press routine. This particular routine is really quite simple.
You're going to bench press three nonconsecutive days per week.
For example, you could bench Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Let's say you currently bench press 175 pounds for 10 reps.
On Monday (after your warm up sets) you're going to do five sets of 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 rep per set with 2 minutes of rest between sets with 175 pounds.
This shouldn't be too difficult for you at all. It would look like this:
  • Warm up
  • 175 x 5
  • 175 x 4
  • 175 x 3
  • 175 x 2
  • 175 x 1
That's it.
On Wednesday you'll use 180 for the same routine.
On Friday, you'll use 185.
Next Monday, you'll drop back down to 180 for your bench press routine, going to 185 on Wednesday and 190 on Friday then back down to 185 on the following Monday.
As you can see, you should start each new week with a five pound increase in your bench press poundage.
But you aren't consistently adding weight. You are doing so in a wave fashion by moving forward, cycling back and then moving further forward.
Eventually, you'll hit a sticking point where you can't complete the routine at the given weight.
You may want to try it again the next workout (and even take an extra day off) and then take a week off from the gym completely and come back with a completely new bench press routine.
In fact, you should probably come back with a completely new training routine for your entire body.
If you work hard on this bench press routine [] you will increase your bench press poundages.
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